Thursday 15 December 2011

New iOS 5.0.1 Release Features Makes iPhone 4 Siri Port Legally Feasible

You may have noticed that Apple released an updated version of iOS 5.0.1 not too long ago, and with it comes some interesting news regarding its security.
It appears that the new iOS 5.0.1r2 features decrypted ramdisks, which means that it now possible to write a script to download the 5.0.1 and extract the necessary files needed for a Siri port.
Since the download is publicly available from Apple’s server, the idea of a Siri port just got a lot more legal…
This is great news for those who want to do things the right way, instead of thequestionable and downright illegal ports that have surfaced in the recent weeks for the iPhone 4, and other non 4S devices.
As to why Apple did this is anyone’s guess. It’s odd in itself that Apple would release an update to an already existing firmware — we don’t ever remembering that happening — and it’s even odder than they’d leave the new firmware susceptible when they know everyone and their mother wants a legally obtainable Siri port.
We’ll have more details as it breaks. Thanks to qwertyoruiop for the explanation

iPhone Segmented Control:UISegmentedControl Tutorial

A segmented control shows a horizontal list of items. Each segment looks like a button. The segments remains “pressed” even after the user lifts his finger.When a different segment is tapped, its corresponding value can be obtained.
Segmented control comes in handy when you want to show/hide different data without changing the current view.For e.g you can have a set of images and you display only one when a segment is selected. When you select a different segment, depending on that, the picture changes.
So lets get started.:
Step 1:Start Xcode and create a view based application with name “SegmentedControlDemo”.
Step 2:Open the “SegmentedControlDemoViewController.h” file and put the following code in it.
01#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
02@interface SegmentedControlDemoViewController : UIViewController {
03UILabel *segmentLabel;
04UISegmentedControl *segmentedControl;
07@property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UILabel *segmentLabel;
08@property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UISegmentedControl *segmentedControl;
10-(IBAction) segmentedControlIndexChanged;
Here, we have declared a label and segmented control and set properties and outlets for both of them.
Step 3:Open the “SegmentedControlDemoViewController.m” file. Synthesize both the properties and release them.Also provide the implementation for segmentedControlIndexChanged method.
01#import "SegmentedControlDemoViewController.h"
03@implementation SegmentedControlDemoViewController
04@synthesize segmentLabel;
05@synthesize segmentedControl;
07// Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view.
08- (void)viewDidLoad {
09  self.segmentLabel.text =@"Segment 1 selected.";
10  [super viewDidLoad];
13- (void)dealloc {
14  [segmentLabel release];
15  [segmentedControl release];
16  [super dealloc];
19-(IBAction) segmentedControlIndexChanged{
20  switch (self.segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex) {
21    case 0:
22      self.segmentLabel.text =@"Segment 1 selected.";
23      break;
24    case 1:
25      self.segmentLabel.text =@"Segment 2 selected.";
26      break;
28    default:
29       break;
30   }
In the segmentedControlIndexChanged method, we have used a switch case which switches the selected segment index of the segmented control. For each case, we have set the text of the label to the respective segment selected.
Step 4: Save(command+s) the project.Now open the “SegmentedControlDemoViewController.xib” file from the Resources folder. Drag and drop a label and a segmented control from the library on the view as shown below. Stretch the edges of the label so that it becomes long enough to display “Segment x selected.”

Note: If you want more than two segments in the segmented control, go to Attributes Inspector for segmented control and change the value for Segments field.
Step 5:Select the File’s Owner in the xib window and open its Connections Inspector(command+2) and make the following connections.
Connect segmentControl to segmented control and segmentLabel to label. The Connections Inspector for File’s Owner will then look like this: